Mozd Abad Qanat
Iran World Heritage Sites

Mozd Abad Qanat

Mozd Abad Qanat is located in Shahin Shahr and Meymeh in Isfahan province which registered on Iran UNESCO World Heritage Sites under the name of The Persian QanatsIt is the longest Qanats in Meymeh, Isfahan with a flow of 5 liter in second. Mozd Abad Qanat has the length of 1860m and mother well depth of 72 that makes it the longest Qanat of the Meymeh region.

Mozd Abad Qanat

They have excavated these aqueducts without modern equipment and practically "by hand" in ancient times. They diggers built an important feature which you can’t find in any other qanats in Iran, an underground soil dam! The dam, which forms an underground reservoir in the aqueduct and in the low seasons, still has plenty of water to harvest. Isfahan’s Meymeh district is one of the areas with nearly 36 qanats which irrigate the farming lands in the area. Among the three qanats of Isfahan province, Qanat of Vazvan and Qanat of the Moon, Mozd Abad Qanat is the longest one.

Mozd Abad Qanat

The hallmark of Mozd Abad Qanat is its dam like installations. It means that in the season where the lands are resting or harvesting time, and as a result there wasn’t any need of water, they used the qanat as a dam to save water for agricultural seasons. Another special characters of Mozd Abad Qanat is its water quality. The water is hot and cold!

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